Saturday, August 2, 2008

some questions answered

What are they doing to help her in addition to the daily angiograms?
This is a photo on mom’s IV pole not even at its fullest. There are so many intravenous medications that she is given on a daily basis. In addition to regular IV fluids she is getting Magnesium Sulfate to open up collateral circulation and relieve ischaemia (a restriction in blood supply), mannitol, many different antibiotics including Vibramycin, quite a few different vitamins (iron, b12) and on this pole you can see that she is also getting her blood transfusion. This is also where they hang her nourishment for her feeding tube. There are many other things that I just don’t know or understand but you can see that she is getting a multitude of things to try to help her get better.
What is the angiogram steroid?
Okay so I have more information on the daily treatments that mom is getting. The type of spasm that she is having in her arteries is called vasospasm. The treatment that she is getting is an infusion for vasospasm called intra-arterial verapamil. Verapamil is the name of the medicine that is being administered directly into the artery through the angiogram. I know that I explained this but I wanted to give the drug information.

Is the Verapamil working?
Her angiogram is showing that she is still demonstrating spasm but that some parts are slowing and getting stronger. Overall she is not getting worse and hasn’t exhibited any new bleeds. This is good news!

How much is and will she progress?
Each day she is still progressing and getting stronger, however, when you look day to day her progress is slow. That is what they keep telling us is that this is a long road to recovery. Treatment for this condition is long-term and may have significant risks. Many months may need to pass before one can tell what degree of recovery will ultimately occur. We are just relieved to see minimal progress each day, however small- progress is progress in our book.

What is Vasculitis?
Vasculitis (meaning inflammation of the blood vessels) confined to the brain, the spinal cord and its covering is referred to as central nervous system vasculitis. Central nervous system (CNS) vasculitis is a rare disorder. Central nervous system vasculitis can be classified as primary (primary angiitis of the central nervous system or PACNS) when there is no other disease or condition present that may cause blood vessels to be damaged.

Why steroids?
This disease is often treated with a short course of glucocorticoids as well as other drugs such as calcium channel blockers that relax “tight” blood vessels. Such a powerful combination of drugs is used because without them this disease is nearly always fatal. With successful therapy, patients may have partial or complete recovery. Unfortunately, the brain is an organ that has a very limited potential to regenerate itself. Thus, if a patient has experienced a massive stroke, he or she will continue to suffer the deficit of that stroke even if the vasculitis is successfully treated.

What is the neuro drain for?

A ventriculostomy is a tool to measure the pressure in your head called intracranial pressure (ICP). It is important that this ICP was inserted because it helps not only to drain the extra cerebrospinal fluid and excess blood but also measures the pressure in her brain. Keeping the excess fluid out reduces the pressure. Three days a week they are testing the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for infection (I am sure they are testing it for other things as well).


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for your interesting and very helpful explanations, Christie! Your mom and all of you are in our daily prayers and thoughts. I have put Tammy's name on the Provo Temple Prayer Roll and will keep it there for as long as needed. I know this is all very stressful for all of your family, but you have a family who sticks together and supports each other, for which you are very blessed. Tammy will be blessed because of this family support also, and I know she feels it.
Sister Murray

Jason, Tiff and the Kids said...

HI Christie,
Already left you an email. Our family is fasting for Tammy today and extra strength for those taking care of her!
All my love,

Doug and Leslie Webb said...

Wow Christie came on here to see how you and your family was doing and got blind sided by the news. I am so sorry for what you and your family is going through. Just know that we are here for you and are thinking of you in this trial. I hope the best for your mother (even though I only met her the one time briefly at your home)! I will pray for you and your family that you may be comforted and calm through this ordeal. Thanks for your friendship and hope the best for you! Love Leslie and Conner in SLC

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a large copy of the picture of the four of you up where Tammy can see it... it will reminder her of all she has to live for... Love to all, Tina

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you keep us so well-informed! I am sooo sorry; I had no idea what was going on with your mom... your mom and family are in our prayers. I hope a more rapid recovery comes her way!!! Keep up the updates.

Rachel said...

That's a great idea to put your mom's name on temple prayer rolls. I'll call the Salt Lake temple today and put her name on it. Hope you are all holding up okay! You are all in our prayers!
Love- Rachel

Anonymous said...

Dear Christie,
Although we've never personally met your mom, she is in our prayers. We really feel for what all of you are going through.
Brad, Dana Zak, Karina and Nik Osgood

Anonymous said...

Stay strong Tammy. Your In our Prayers. I sent you a very very long Message on your Email Cristy. Hang in there Sweetie. Tell your Mom we are Praying For Her and All you guys. I got her Name and Whats goen on with her in Benny Hinns Prayer Center. Even Grandpa & Dorothy and the kids Are Praying...

wanted to put a song on here for your Mom..But it wont support the HTML code. So I dedicate the song

I WILL REST IN YOU. By Jacqueline Vasquez

When Life brings you to your Knees , Remember your in the perfect Position to stay and Pray.

I have this Blog saved as fav's on my desktop, Im going to be checking in, Expecting a Miracle...I know god hears us. And Its almost a month snece her First attack, So She Is very Strong. I have Faith She is going to make it threw this trial. With God On her side how can she loose. God is Good.

I left her Prayer Request at

He has lots of great Healing Bible Verses on there too. Just keep Praying them over Your mom, And if you could get more then 1 person Praying over her with Hands on her , It would be even Better.

when 2 or more people Touch and Agree in Jesus Name, It is done on Earth as it is in Heaven. ( thats powerful) <3 Luv you lots Sweetie. Stay strong...

One night a man had a dream. He dreamed
he was walking along the beach with the LORD.

Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.
For each scene he noticed two sets of
footprints in the sand: one belonging
to him, and the other to the LORD.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him,
he looked back at the footprints in the sand.

He noticed that many times along the path of
his life there was only one set of footprints.

He also noticed that it happened at the very
lowest and saddest times in his life.

This really bothered him and he
questioned the LORD about it:

"LORD, you said that once I decided to follow
you, you'd walk with me all the way.
But I have noticed that during the most
troublesome times in my life,
there is only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why when
I needed you most you would leave me."

The LORD replied:

"My son, my precious child,
I love you and I would never leave you.
During your times of trial and suffering,
when you see only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you."

Love The Larson Family In Redding Ca. <33333333333333

Mr. Jacquez said...

Hay guy's I just wanted too let you know that we are thinking of you ALL every day auntie is in our thoughts, & prayers let us know if we can help in any way we love you all give your MOM a hug and kiss from us do the same for your dad, & sister
We love you all hug & kisses
LOVE : Troy, Charlene, Haley, & Jacob.