Saturday, August 23, 2008

chemo is aweful...

I am finally getting a bit of a preview of what people go through who go through chemo and it is very sad. My heart goes out to each of you. I understand that the chemo my mom gets is not even as bad as what cancer patients endure and that makes me ache for cancer victims even more. I have explained to mom why she is getting the chemo and so she continues to fight but she is very sad and not feeling too good. It is incredible to me that something so toxic can do wonders for those who endure it.
On the other hand though, this evening her spirits were up a bit and she is really wanting to do as much physical therapy as possible so she can get to rehab and get home. Even with all of the pain and sadness though she is continually an amazement to us all including the doctors and nurses. Oh and sadness is very typical of neuro patients I am told.


Kathryn said...

Ugh, my heart goes out to all of you especially your Mom. I have seen Chemo firsthand and it is heartbreaking to see someone so down in the dumps. Please give her a hug for us (when you can!) and tell her we love her. We pray for her everyday. Hugs to all of you.


Anonymous said...

Christie - are you able to show her pictures of happy times to help with the depression? I just looked at all of the wedding pics yesterday... Maybe seeing everybody smiling and happy will help, at least a teensy bit...? Love, Tina

Arganteilin said...


Mom and I are so proud of how far you have come, and how you have endured the pain of it all. With love and help from family and friends the sadness will diminish soon enough.

We LOVE you!!!!
Michele and Dottie

Anonymous said...

Christie and family--- Greg and I wanted you to know we are thinking and praying for your mom and your family. It stinks we're so far away; I feel like we can't do much to help you and your family in some way, but hopefully peace and comfort will come VERY soon!! Love to you... -Tasha