Monday, August 18, 2008

fund info

First, Thank you to all of you who have donated to the Tammy Larson Fund. The support has been overwhelming- Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Also, it has been brought to my attention that when you go into a Wells Fargo branch that they are having a hard time finding her account. I guess it is considered a business account and that is why they can't find it. So, if you go into a branch let them know that the account is a business account by the name of the Tammy Larson Fund.

I am sorry that I haven't posted too much on mom's condition recently. It is difficult to put into words what is happening now. Physically, mom is doing very well except that she is becoming more aware of her constant pain. Emotionally she is very aware of parts of her body that are not working well and is continually frustrated. Keep praying that we can all get past this portion of her condition.

I hope this helps. Thanks again! We appreciate all of your kindness, thoughts and prayers on our behalf.

I will keep you updated as to when she can have visitors, until then I will try to be better at posting even when I don't have too much info.

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