Thursday, August 7, 2008

some good news

I had a few minutes and figured I'd pass along some good news, I know we can all use it!

I am back at work today and was feeling especially bummed until I got a good call. So this morning mom is very alert. She waved to the nurse, is lifting her head, and as had her eyes wide open for quite a few hours.

If all goes well with the scheduling they are going to do her tracheotomy and g-tube procedure this afternoon.

I will post again when I find out she made it out safe and sound.


Anonymous said...

Right On!!! TOLD YOU GOD IS GOOD! Keep Thanking Him For This Miracle
So We Dont Loose It. And Exspect Many Many More! I have 3 Top Huge World Wide Churches Praying for Tammy Too! I know God Is Hearing The Crys. Stay Strong Guys! <3

Anonymous said...

Christie - That's awesome! Let's hope things continue to get better and better, never losing sight that it's going to be a long road with bumps along the way. Everyone reading these blog entries needs to stay involved for the long term!

By the way, I think Tiff and I are tied for how many times we check this blog!


Kathryn said...

We are so glad that things are looking up. We love you all. Give your Mom a hug for us. She is always in our prayers. Whent his all happened, I put her name on every temple prayer roll in the United States. As a matter of fact, it has been two weeks so I need to make another round of calls.

And I also check this blog several times a day. Thank you for updating us. Stay strong.

Brett, Kathy and Bella

Anonymous said...

Thank God for the Good News!!!
I am praying everyday for Tammy recovery. All the positive thoughts and prays is very powerful!!!God is hearing us!
Keep the updates coming, I feel closers to Tammy and your Family, especially that I can't be by her side, being in NJ.
I also check the blog all day!
Stay strong!!
Give Tammy hug and kiss for me
Love to all

Anonymous said...

That's great news about Tammy. I think we also need to give Gigi a big hug and kiss and thank her for being at the hospital 24/7, sleeping on the chairs in the halls just so that someone will be there for Tammy while everyone else is at work or somewhere else. She really is a remarkable woman and loves her family more than life itself and to do all that she does with a broken hip is just amazing to me.

Kathryn said...

I agree, please give Gigi a big hug for us. She really is a remarkable woman and I don't think anyone could ask for a more loving, caring Mother and Grandmother. We love you.

Brett, Kathy and Bella