Tuesday, August 19, 2008

it's been a month

I know it is a necessary step but I am sad to report that today they will begin round two of chemo. She will get this treatment once a month for six months.
Remember though "that for some forms of vasculitis that do not respond to steroids (prednisone) alone, cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan) may be a life–saving medicine.
More good news is to realize that today is the one month anniversary of when she was admitted to Sacramento Kaiser. It is quite a miracle that we have come this far and that her brain is functioning so much (well more than what "they" thought). Mom is strong, she'll keep showing them. That is just like her, when someone says its impossible or tells her its not going to happen that is when she steps up to the plate and shows them just how wrong they can be! Go mom!!!

a note for Christine who's dad is fighting a similar disease (vasculitis that is attacking the organs rather than the brain):
For example, before the introduction of cyclophosphamide in the treatment of Wegener’s granulomatosis in the 1970s, Wegener’s was almost invariably a fatal illness, even with high doses of steroids. Now, with the combination of cyclophosphamide and prednisone, more than 90% of Wegener’s patients respond to treatment, and 75% enter a disease remission. so KEEP FIGHTING!!!!

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