Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What’s happening now?

On, Friday August 1, 2008, I received my last angiogram application of Verapamil. This was stopped because my arteries are getting stronger and having less spasms, as well as, they can only do this for so many days in order to not cause more damage and they have done all that they can do for those particular arteries. So, what now you may ask?
Currently, the doctors are working to remove the neuro-drain from her head. In order to do this they need to raise the pressures in her brain to make sure that she can tolerate the required amount of pressure (20 ICP). If she can tolerate the pressure then they are ready to remove the drain, if not, then they will change the drain to a more permanent system where the body would absorb the cerebrospinal fluid elsewhere.
Also, she is still on the ventilator but breathing on her own. However, they have decided to do a tracheotomy because they are worried that she is going to have problems with mucus and other secretions getting into the windpipe because of difficulty swallowing. She is not awake and conscience enough to cough anything up and swallow correctly. Also, this gives them access if she does end up needing air at any time as well as allows them to still suction her out. Installing the tube will also offer her more comfort (currently it goes through her mouth and she hates it) and the ability to speak at some point. When they do the tracheotomy she will not be able to speak for 10 days until the lining around the incision builds up, otherwise air can come inside and create more problems.
Lastly, they are going to do a gastrostomy in order to install a tube directly into her stomach for feeding. This will eliminate the tube that currently goes through her nose. In time they will test her to see how she can swallow but for now they are trying to save up her extra energy for her to get herself better rather than wasting energy on eating.
She is very tired right now and is spending a lot of time sleeping. There are really no other changes. The doctor says to remember that this road is going to be full of peaks and valleys and that her healing is going to be very slow and will take time. However, she is still doing a little better each day. Thank you for continually keeping her in your thoughts and prayers. We really appreciate all of you!

More to come….

1 comment:

Jason, Tiff and the Kids said...

THANK YOU for the update...I have clicked on your blog at least 20 times a day. I also understand how difficult it must be to give us updates. We love you, we care about you and pray everyday for peace and comfort! I am proud of your strength and spelling all medical words correctly!!! I miss you. Stay strong, your mom will feel your energy! How is your Dad???
Love Tiff