Thursday, August 28, 2008

one step up, another step back

I was hoping to be posting really great news about seeing mom in Vallejo tonight, however, I am not. Poor mom had a minor setback today and is going to have to stay in Sacramento for a few more days. She is super bummed about it and so are we but they just need to make sure everything is okay before they send her out the doors.
I guess what happened is this morning she was doing just fine. She was talking to my dad and everything was good. I am not exactly sure at this point what happened but maybe she took a nap and when she woke she was toying with some tape. When dad asked her about it she said "Who are you?" or something like that and he then asked her if she knew who she was; again she didn't. The nurses were called in who immediately got a hold of the doctors. The ran a bunch of tests including a new MRI to see if she had another episode (seizure, low blood sugar, stroke anything). I don't know if they don't know the results or just haven't really said anything but so far it looks like everything is okay. She stayed in this state for about an hour and a half and then just as quickly as it came on she was back to normal.
I spoke with her a few times tonight and although she is sad she loved talking to Kobe and hearing him sing to her. So basically, there was something that hopefully is nothing that I really don't know too much about :(
Thanks again for all of your well wishes. We love hearing from you and appreciate you all. I will post more as I hear...


Anonymous said...

Hi Christie,
Keep the posts coming. It is great to read the progress. It must be difficult, please keep it up. I am so happy for Tammys recovery, and will keep the faith.

Kathryn said...

I am so glad she is doing better. We'll keep praying for her. Send her our love. Oh and I put her name on a few prayer rolls on Tuesday.

Brett, Kathy & Bella