Monday, August 11, 2008


Kobe, Blake and I headed to the hospital today to see mom and Gigi. When I came in they had mom sitting (it's a chair that turns into a bed that they can strap her into but it gets her sitting upright) anyway, it was so good to see her sitting. So the blinds to her window were open quite a bit so Kobe could see her- this was the first time. I was pretty worried about letting him see her because he's only 5 and I didn't want him to be too scared or anything. It was an okay visit, she just had some meds because she's in quite a bit of pain from the trache so she was a little out of it.
Physical Therapy came and worked with her today for the first time which is really great. She had to be stable in order for them to do this so that is a good sign in and of itself. She has lost A LOT of muscle but surprisingly still has quite a bit. Still not too much movement from that right leg but other than that she was doing pretty good. She was exhausted after therapy so they put her back to bed.
They took the ventilator out today since she was basically breathing on her own, they are going to monitor her closely to see how she does. So far today she's doing really great without it. They do have some moist air and a little oxygen just to help her lungs but she's breathing on her own now.
Later in the afternoon after we returned from lunch they put her in the chair again. Gigi and Kobe bought her some new lotion and cherry flavored carmex (Kobe said she would like it better if it was cherry). So as I was lathering her up and talking to her she looked at me and mouthed "I love you". I was surprised because this was the first time I've seen her without the breathing tube in her mouth so I hadn't see her do it. On our way out I let Blake come in to say goodbye and she moved her head closer to him so I brought him to her and she kissed him and told him that she loved him. He just kept looking at her and so she closed her eyes, turned her head and then came back and mouthed "boo!" I could tell that she was really trying to play with him and trying to help him not be so nervous of all the tubes so I asked him to show her what a bear says. Finally, he turned toward her and said "ROAR" and she smiled- not just grinned like before she actually smiled! So I then asked him to to show her his elephant (which is her favorite thing that he does) and she smiled even bigger. It was really great to see!
After I told Kobe about it and he wanted to come in and see her and talk to her some more. So Gigi and Kobe came in and I helped Kobe to give Gram a kiss and she mouthed to him "I love you baby". He began talking to her and telling her that he was going to be in the first grade next week and she shook her head and said "No Way". Kobe can't really read lips so I just told him everything that she was saying and I said she said No way, she just can't believe how big you are getting and she shook her head to let him know that is exactly what she was saying. So then he told her that he can swim without floaties on and she mouthed "Wow" and smiled at him. When they were walking out the door and little Blakey was waving to her she waved back with her right hand.
This is all truly amazing and a huge miracle. It was really so great to see all of this. My dad and Gigi have seen bits and pieces of this but it was the first time that me and the boys got to see it too. Kobe was pretty upset when we left but even though I am worried about him I really think it was good for both of them to see one another. They truly do adore each other.
Sorry for all the run-ons and bad typing I just wanted to quickly update about this great day for all of us.


Anonymous said...

Truly amazing! Thank you for posting the great news!! GO TAMMY!!! Lots of love, Tina

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! How exciting to hear how much better she is. I know that seeing the boys was a real treat for her, she adores those babies!

Thank God for this wonderful miracle. Give her my love.

Thank you Christy for keeping us informed.

Kathryn said...

Wow, absolutely amazing! Thank you for sharing. Please tell her we love her and that we are praying for her everyday. Love to you all

Brett, Kathy & Bella

Anonymous said...

Christie that is amazing. Such wonderful news. yeah!!!


Arganteilin said...

Tammy keep up the amazing improvements, Mom and I are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers always. I guess Grandchildren are a god send, like you told me.


Camille said...

Yea!! Wow - I am SO happy for her and you and your family!! You all will continue to be in our prayers!