Friday, August 8, 2008

finally I have news

Okay, Gigi just called to let me know that mom finally made it out of surgery. They were supposed to do it yesterday but it kept getting postponed so she just got wheeled up to her room. Gigi has not yet been able to see her but she peeked in and mom looks good. It's always good news to see her coming back into the room.

Will add more later. I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. Especially I want to thank our heavenly father for taking such good care of mom. Each passing day that she is progressing is truly a miracle!


Anonymous said...

Right On!!! =)))))))) Im so happy, Cristy Your Mom is going to make it out of this Trial! I have a really really Positive Feeling about all of it. Life Changeing Yes, For Everyone in it. But she is going to be okay.She still in my prayers, And will be for a long time. I pray for strangth for you, Rusty & Amy , And Your Moms Side too. Plus your Familys and Friends. Stay Strong. And Remember to try to do something to relax, yoga? I dont know go to the Beach Breath deep and take a walk. Your mind needs lil brakes. =) We dont want you guys in there from worry.
Stay safe Love you lots <3 Larson Family In Redding Ca.

geo said...

Christie, Great way to keep everyone posted on your mom's condition. Thank you. You all remain in our prayers here. Sounds like God is working His miracles. Amazing.
Hang in there.

Cristi said...

Thank you for keeping us all updated! We appreciate it! Blogs are so great for that, aren't they? Love you guys!

Arganteilin said...


Mom and I are praying and keeping very positive thoughts for your Mom. If you can please give her a hug from us, she is in our thoughts and hearts.
Michele & Dottie