Monday, August 18, 2008


Sorry, I posted too soon before I got an update....

Gigi is with mom today and she just called to tell me some really great news. They replaced mom's trache today and she spoke. When I was there Friday, the speech therapist checked her and her vocal chords were not strong enough to make more than just a few small sounds. Today, they changed a part as she was able to verbalize. Her first words were "Mom, I am in so much pain!" Very sad but also amazing. One main part of the damage in her brain had to do with speech so this is truly a miracle. So you see, we are being blessed with many miracles. It is very sad to see mom in this much pain and to watch her so helpless but we are also very blessed. Thank you all for your support! Keep praying, our united prayers are being heard.


Anonymous said...

Amazing! It's horrible that those wer her first words, but SHE CAN TALK!!

Love, Tina

Kathryn said...

You're right Christie, this is very sad, but also great news! It is a miracle that she is recovering so quickly! I know she still has a long way to go, but she is truly blessed. Please give her our love. Hugs to you all.

Brett, Kathy and Bella

Arganteilin said...

Tammy every word you utter makes you stronger. I am so sorry you are feeling any pain. Soon you will be home and being the feisty, spunky woman I know.

Mom has me call her every morning to give her an update on you, so Chrissy THANK YOU for having this blog on your Mom.

Michele and Dottie

Anonymous said...
