Wednesday, August 27, 2008

it's extraordinary, really!

Sorry about the lack of postings, I guess sometimes life catches up...

Anyway, superb news...

So, yes, she was transferred to E- Wing which is on the first floor at the hospital in Sacramento. They got her standing again and she's getting so much stronger everyday. Also, she is able to scoot herself off of the bed and into the chair- seriously amazing. Previous to this they would lift her into and out of the chair and now she's doing it on her own.

Are you ready for more good news?

She is being transferred to Vallejo Rehabilitation most likely tomorrow. This is incredible because it means it's nearing the end of her hospitalization. They are anticipating her being there for 4 to 6 weeks. This is a HUGE step for my mom. It is here where she will learn how to do everything again and really work those muscles. She will have intense physical therapy for three hours per day.

The best news about all of this is that mom is actually proud of herself for what she has accomplished. She is very excited about this next step and is super excited to start working hard and getting herself better. She asked me to thank everybody for your support and loves hearing everyone who is writing and asking about her on a daily basis. She sometimes asks me to read her the e-mails and notes, or will just ask "So, who's contacted me today?" This is really nice and she remembers everyone so far. Even those notes from her old classmates who say "I don't know if you'll remember me or not..." and she says of course I remember.

Fantastic news!

Note: I know everyone is thinking, woohoo we can come and visit and I believe that is the case but we need to be careful as to not overwhelm her. So once I find out the visitation schedule I will let you know. Also, I will let you know when she actually is transferred. It seems that we are always told oh it'll be today but like everything else even to get a room ready for her downstairs in Sacramento took like 4 days. Yippee, even more progress!!!!


Arganteilin said...

I always knew you were a fighter, this just proves it to everyone including yourself. Mom and I are so happy you are getting better with leaps and bounds. I can't wait for you to get home so we can visit.

Hugs and Love,
Michele and Dottie

Anonymous said...

Way to go!!! This is amazing! Tammy - you've come so far in such a short time - we are all very proud of you... There's a long way to go, but I know you can make it! You have so much more life to live and so much more to do! Love to all, Tina

Anonymous said...

I have been praying for your recovery everyday, and checking christie posting 100 times a day.
I am soooooo proud of you!!!!
I know you are a fighter with alot of strength!!
You are surounded by alot of family and friend that love you very much which will continue to help in your recovery.
I want you to know from me you have a amazing family support system!! You are truly bless!!
You are very special person and great friend.
Keep fighting!!! you can do it!!!
I will be out to visit you, when I have the OK from the family.
I miss you lots!!!
Love your friend from NJ,

Anonymous said...

Tammy my dear dear friend, I am so happy to hear the good news about you. I know you are trying so very hard to get well and you are well on your way to acomplishing it.

I pray you will continue to improve with each passing day and that soon this will be a thing of the past.

Take care and remember that a lot of people care very much about you and are thinking and praying for you.


Cori Ann & Donny said...

Awesome! Wow she is really strong and determined.

Anonymous said...

WOOHOOO!!! You go, Girl. We check your site every night and wait for word and tonite the word is GOOD. We are so proud of you for fighting so hard!
Love and kisses and hugs from Toril & Danny & Tommy & Emmy

P.S. Danny is still thinking he would look great driving 'round in that Mustang in the backyard . . . :)