Friday, August 22, 2008


Some information, updates and corrections:

  • First, today has been one month from mom's last bleed so that is awesome
  • Chemo was NOT started on Monday, it was actually started yesterday 8/22
  • She still has not been transferred out of the Critical Care Unit as anticipated
  • Contrary to what the doctors thought it seems that all the main parts of the brain that were affected are not causing mom too many problems- mainly speech, vision, hearing and memory
  • We found out that rehabilitation will be in Vallejo (still no transfer date yet)
  • Rehab will last 4 to 6 weeks

So how is mom doing?

  • She is very sad and in a lot of physical and emotional pain
  • She is trying to be brave and is still fighting very hard
  • She is communicating and her voice sounds just the same :)
  • She is getting stronger every day
  • She still has a long bumpy road a head of her but this past week has been AMAZING
  • She is a miracle in the works, how fortunate we are to be a part of her life!

Gigi and dad have been holding down the fort since Amie and I have to be to work during the day. What troopers, I appreciate them so much. Thank you to everyone for everything- we are so blessed to have you in our lives.

A side note: Kobe started first grade- I just can't believe how BIG he is getting. He sure loves his Gram and is constantly worried about her, like the rest of us. He has been able to talk to her a few times and I think that helps both of them to stay strong. They truly are an anchor to one another.

Kobe loves this picture- it is when Gram first saw his haircut from shaggy to spikes and is so surprised at how much older he looked.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christie - that is all AWESOME news! Gigi and Rusty - thanks from the bottom of my heart for being there every single day when some of us can't be...

Kobe = GO MR. FIRST GRADER! WOW!!! I'm so proud of you!!!

Love to all,