Friday, August 15, 2008

How is she doing now?

I have been at the hospital with mom for the last few days and it has really been an experience. She is a tough girl and she has truly been through the ringer. I have liked being able to be with her, and she smiles now which warms my heart. Okay, for the details:
Neurologically speaking she is doing well. We still do not know the damage although her recent CT scan shows that the top of her brain is healing nicely however, there is still a lot of residual damage to the brain stem. Still, we won’t know for a very long time the extent of the damage on her body physically. We learn more every day but for now we are still waiting and slowly working those muscles in her body to compensate.
Physically, she is getting stronger every day. She has a lot of movement from her left arm and leg and is gaining more control with those movements. Her right hand is definitely getting stronger and she can squeeze her hand very tightly now and lift her arm. She is also coughing which is a good sign. The more she coughs the faster she can clear her lungs and possibly start weaning off the trache. The other part of weaning her off is if she can swallow and her neck muscles are definitely getting there. She has a little weakness on the right side of her face (not noticeably when you look at her) which includes part of her tongue which also adds to the difficulty of swallowing (like when you get numbed at the dentist). However, they are testing her swallowing little by little and once she shows them that she’s stronger she’ll be able to get weaned off the trache by making the opening smaller and smaller until they can take it out and close it.
Emotionally, she is becoming more alert each day and this causes quite a bit of frustration. She can feel her pain more because she is more aware of it. Also, she is becoming more aware of the things that are happening to her which is a very scary process. She doesn’t understand everything yet which is also very difficult in knowing that you can’t move and do things right but can’t comprehend why it’s all happening. We continually tell her that she’s had bleeding and that she’s in the hospital and she is definitely aware of that but they want to just gently remind her each day so that she can slowly learn more about her condition. I guess we are all in that same position! They are not trying to fool her about the difficulty and the long process and that also makes it hard emotionally. All in all she is holding up okay. There have been many tears and worries but also plenty of patience and smiling. Waking up and realizing that this is not just an awful nightmare is also very difficult for her. Basically, she is coping as well as can be expected under the circumstances.
As far as surgeries go, she did get our Neuro Drain out so now her head and face are completely clear of any “stuff”. It’s nice being able to see her face! There are no other surgeries in the works now.Chemo starts again next week, let’s hope and pray that the side effects will be tolerable and not give her too much trouble.


Arganteilin said...

Tammy stay strong and get well, Mom and I are confident that you will be home soon and feeling better. I know this a long road ahead but with the love and support of your family and friends, I hope it will be easier.

With much Love,
Michele and Dottie

geo said...

Thank you again for the continued updated. I know it must be hard in a lot of ways to put this into print. But it is much much appreciated. Give Tammy a squeeze for me and let her know she continues to be in our prayers. please tell alyse i said hello.

Anonymous said...

Christie, it is wonderful to hear that your mom is improving everyday. I think that the love that surrounds her will give her the necessary strength to get through this rough time.

She is continually in my thoughts and prayers. Say hello to her for me. Let her know she is missed very much.

Thanks for the updates. You are a blessing to your mom.

Anonymous said...

I can't even begin to imagine what it feel like for Tammy, and I'm just thinking about the confusion about not knowing or really understanding what happened.

I'm so glad she's getting better bit by bit.

Love to all,