Wednesday, July 30, 2008

good thoughts

Dr. Akins (mom’s doctor) came by today (Wednesday, July 30, 2008), to give us an update on mom’s condition. So, here it goes. From a neurological standpoint she is the same to slightly better than yesterday. She is doing some communication with her eyes and is moving her left arm. At this point we still do not know the outcome but he did say that anything is possible. However, he said that if there were no hope that they would not continue working so hard to save her.

They are going to continue with the angiogram steroid treatments daily. Yesterday, (the 29th of July) they applied treatment to all three arties and are planning to do the same today. Dr. Akins did say that at some point the blood and vessels will calm down and stop spaziming, until then they will continue this treatment. We were told that the average patient has this spaziming anywhere from 4 to 14 days but that she is “NOT the average patient”.

Also, blood brings oxygen to the brain and she is a little anemic so they are going to start giving her a transfusion of a couple pints of blood. They want to keep as much oxygen as possible in the brain so they will watch closely and make sure she is getting enough but not too much blood.

I waited long enough to post this that I now have a report for today. Dr. Amar did the steroid treatment today (July 30, 2008) and she is now back in the room and doing fine. He pointed out that today is 9 days since her last and largest bleed (it happened Monday, July 21st) and that typically they have 12 days (again they noted that she is not a typical patient) where the vessels are actively spaziming. So, the good news is that her arteries have not gotten worse and are actually looking a little better in some areas, still not in others, but overall she is looking a little better internally. They will do the procedure again tomorrow and will keep treating her as she is slowly healing. The road will still be long and bumpy but when you look at it as 9 days, versus day by day, she is really doing so much better.

Please know that we do appreciate all that you are doing to pray for her and our family. Your love and acknowledgement means so much to all of us. Also, if you have any photos that you would like me to add to her book please e-mail them to me or you can mail them to my home address- if you e-mail me then I will give you my address. (Notes or cards are welcome too)

Note: She still has the breathing tube which is placed between her vocal chords therefore she can not talk at this time. This does not mean that she will be unable to speak; we still don’t know that. Also, she is still in the critical care unit and is still critical. These daily milestones are some indication of improvement but she is not out of the woods yet.

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