Monday, July 28, 2008

The Tammy Larson Fund

Today mom had another procedure to apply the medicine directly to her arteries. I gave misinformation yesterday when I said that they only needed to apply it to one artery. They said that one of her arteries is still doing well but that they had to tend to the other two. Tomorrow they will do the same procedure, actually they will do it daily until it becomes more stable.

Also, I won't be able to post all that often for a few days as I am on Mom duty and don't have internet access at the hospital. I will get to a computer as soon as possible with any changes in her condition. Until then, think good thoughts and keep her in your prayers.

Finally, a fund has been established for my mom- The Tammy Larson Fund. We have been asked how people can help and if there is a place for donations so now there is. You can go into any Wells Fargo Branch and let them know you would like to donate to the Tammy Larson Fund, no account number needed they can look it up. I will try to find out about posting a way to donate directly online and will get a form if you would like to mail it instead.

Again, thank you for all of your love, support and constant prayers. We do appreciate everything and are praying for you too.


Tina said...

Just FYI. I contacted Wells Fargo to find out how I could do an online deposit and they said they were unable to find the account...

Anonymous said...

From Toril and Co.

I think this is where I'm supposed to leave my message, but I'm not sure. My heart and prayers go out every single day - The Larsen family has always been our family away from family - where we didn't have to dress up on holidays and birthdays and walking through the front door was always like walking into a hug - laughter, hugs, jokes, food, and love. Hey, Tammy, you promised you were going to go see Sex and the The City with me. You wanna know the last movie I had to see?? You don’t want to know – it was a cartoon!! You better get well so we can get to the movies.

I talked to Lesha today and she and DJ and all of them send their love and best wishes for Tammy's recovery.

Danny says he doesn't know what to say but get the hell better quick!

We had a nice time with Rhonda & Chris at Cody's party. Wow, they’ve done an amazing job on raising three nice boys – Christie, remember when you had to call your mom and ask her what the hell to do because Danny didn’t do time out??? OMG (I’ve learned that from Emmy) that was funny – what was Tammy’s advice . . .? Those teenage boys could use some timeouts now – where to start, Danny taking the car to Sonoma Mountain with his best friend and two cute girls, Danny and his 16th B-day party at Lesha’s lake house . . . Tommy (I’ll get carpal tunnel if I start with him, so Tammy get your self better – I need ADVICE!!!!)

If there is anything I can do (water the lawn, take care of the animals, bring supplies from Petaluma, please let me know! I want to help! I also would like to come up - let me know when is a good time - I'd like to take a shift or at least give someone a rest to get to the nasty cafeteria to buy overpriced food (yah, I know, I've been there -- $2.00 for a banana is perfectly reasonable, sure . . . )

All my love and prayers

Toril & Danny & Tommy & Emmy

Erica said...

Words can't discribe how sad this is. I grew up at Russ and Tammy's house playing with Amie and Christie. Most of my great childhood memories involve the Larsons. This includes going camping, having a huge water fight in our house ending with my dad slipping and getting hurt, to Easter egg hunts when Rusty would put our eggs in a cactus to see which kid would reach in and get it. I cherish all those memories. My most recent memory was when Amie and Tammy traveled to TX to see me get married on July 21st 2007. I had not seen them in over 10 years and it made my most special day unforgettable. It was like there was no lapse in time at all. Tammy, the Shuey family loves you so very much and wishes you the best recovery. Russ, Christie, and Amie, please stay strong durning this time and know you are in our prayers. Let us know if we can do anything at all to help.