Friday, December 19, 2008

yummy Pomegranates

If you know me very well you know that I LOVE pomegranates. When I was a kid a family around the corner had a tree in their front yard and I loved to go and beg/borrow/and steal their pomegranates. I couldn't understand why they would just let all of those yummy pomegranates go to waste! So in high school my dad planted me a pomegranate tree, however, the fruit has been less than desirable until this year. Take a look at this yummy goodness. I went a little crazy on the photographs but let me tell you these have been amazing. I love it! Sometimes a good thing is definately worth waiting for...


Anonymous said...

These pictures are so CHRISTIE! ;) Love, Tina

Anonymous said...

Check this out. I told you it works!

Cristi said...

How fun to learn something new like that about you!