Friday, December 19, 2008

last Chemo today, Hooray!

I am happy to report that today was mom's last chemo treatment. This is a photo of mom and dad waiting to go in for her appointment.

To celebrate this momentous occasion dad purchased her some new shoes. She is so excited to not have to wear "sick shoes" anymore. (I wonder what she thinks about my sick shoes- I have running shoes, crummy ones, and even tennis shoes for going out I LOVE wearing what she considers "sick shoes").
She was like a kid in a candy store about how excited she is about having these new shoes. She says she's finally beginning to look like a woman again. Again, I am going to refer back to myself- I LOVE wearing what she considers a man's shoe. But this is the first time that she has enough balance and is walking well enough to wear these new shoes so she's very excited.
today was also the 6 month anniversary of her getting sick (well of when she was transferred to Sacramento).


Anonymous said...

WOOHOO WOMAN! You made it through the hardest part!

Have some fun during the holidays, I'll talk to you after!


Cristi said...

I'm soo glad to hear about the chemo being over! And are those danskos? THose are my favorite shoe, too!