Friday, December 19, 2008

poor Gigi

Gigi had her 73rd birthday on December 9th. Happy Birthday Gigi! Sorry for the belated post but it's been pretty hectic since then. So for her birthday she was super sick. Finally, on the 10th we brought her to the doctor then rushed her to emergency room where she was admitted into Kaiser in San Rafael. They found out that she had a very infected gall bladder. The plan was to put her on antibiotics then send her home so that the infection could clear up and have it removed later. In the meantime, they were getting ready to release her from the hospital when she had a heart issue that made the doctors pretty nervous- a heart rate of 179 I believe. That turned out to be an atrial fibrillation (which can lead to developing blood clots and stroke) so she will be put on medications to help this issue. Anyway, back to the gall bladder. She was just not getting any better so on Saturday, the 13th (I believe) they decided to do emergency surgery. The surgery did not go as smoothly as planned because the gall bladder was so infected that it burst which lead to a much more complicated and evasive surgery where she lost quite a bit of blood and consequently had to get 2 pints transfused straight into her jugular. Although she was still in quite a bit of pain she was discharged on Wednesday, the 17th around 11 am. We ended up back in the ER that evening and again she was admitted for what they thought to be an obstruction. She is still currently in the hospital and will hopefully get out before Christmas.

1 comment:

Cristi said...

I heard about that from my dad. Is she doing ok now?