Thursday, December 4, 2008

confessions and questions

Although I am behind on reading my friends blogs I LOVE reading them, however, I NEVER comment on them. I don't know why- I am the same with MySpace and Facebook. I just don't really write, I am trying to do better but I don't. I love reading all of the comments on my blog, reading notes and e-mails but I am awful at writing people back. How rude is that?! Its the same as thank you notes, I am awful at sending them. Truthfully, it is very rare that I don't write one but I NEVER send them. So that is my confession for the day. I am terrible at keeping in touch and selfishly love reading about you even though I never say so. I am actually addicted to reading about everyone else. It's fun to see how creative all of my friends are and I am so jealous at what good parents and adults you all have become. You are amazing, I just wanted to let you know.
Oh, and my question is this- how do you follow someones blog? I am guessing that if you are a follower it will automatically tell you when there is a new post or something but I just don't know how to do it. It's funny that I am supposed to be a "techie" but I don't know how to do any of this stuff.
One last note about the things I am jealous of and also very amazed by- this follows my comment about the creativity of my friends. Other than the amazing home preschools, the cute and creative blogs and attempt at being just really great people- I love that you are following your passions and starting blogs and websites about your interests. Photography, online scrapbooking, crafts, art, digital works of art, invitations- seriously I am so impressed. A lot of you are great homemakers and are now becoming entrepreneurs. I am really in awe of you.


Anonymous said...

Christie - have you started taking drugs or something?

YOU are a fabulous mother! Your children are wonderful, smart beyond their years because you put the effort in to work with them and they're happy! You calm them down when they need it, you discipline gently but thoroughly and you show them love a thousand times a day in different ways!

YOU are a fabulous daughter. You always have been, but look at the past few months... I don't need to say more.

YOU are talented and creative. Look at the birthday invitations, wedding announcements, wedding invitations and calendars that you create... not to mention the parties!

YOU keep everything together when life is pulling you in six different directions at the same time...

Missy, go look in the mirror - you inspire me!

I love you, my borrowed daughter!

Jason, Tiff and the Kids said...

oh I have a few more things to add to Tina's list...

YOU were a fabulous babysitter! My children adored you, wanted you and cherished you!!! Tanner would not have made it past three if it wasn't for you!!!

YOU make others feel good! I loved watching you grow up...

YOU are patient, tender, thoughtful and kind towards everyone you meet...

YOU have a special place in my heart and with my family!!!

just a few things I wanted to add. Take care of yourself and enjoy who you are...btw, I am making bread in the bread maker...all by myself!

Anonymous said...

Seriously Christie! Take your self out of the writers position and reread your post. You could easily be talking about yourself. Everything you said speaks so clearly to who you are and what you are doing. You are amazing and selfless. You hvae the most beautiful boys I've ever seen and your family would fall to pieces without you. You are the glue, the love, the angel and the drill sargent. Give yourself some credit here girl. Most people couldn't even begin to take on what you have. And you do it with such grace. We need to hang out. You need to get out of the house and step away so you can see how amazing you really are and the wonderful products of your gracious heart.
Love ya girl,