Wednesday, December 3, 2008

our Thanksgiving Holiday

We went to Amie's house in Southern California for Thanksgiving and had a blast. We spent nearly every day at the beach, Kobe LOVES the ocean. He spent the whole time playing in the water.

Blake on the other hand spent his time clutching onto Gram. Finally after the 3rd day he went in the sand, but that was far enough!

We went to the marine mammal center to learn about sea lions who had been rescued.

Blake ran a muck at Amie's house and got into everything.

We played at the park and had tons of great fun. Thanks Amie for having us, we were all so sad to come back especially when it took us over 11 hours to get home due to holiday traffic- FUN!


Camille said...

I'm so glad you and your family and your Mom had such a wonderful Thanksgiving!! She looks great, and those two boys of your are adorable!

Anonymous said...

Priceless pictures!

Tammy - it was great talking to you the other day! We'll do it again soon!!


Kathryn said...

Ah, I haven't read your blog in at least a month! I need to figure out that following thing too! I am horrible at keeping up with mine. Thanks for the updates! I am so glad your Mom is doing well. Please give her our love.

Cristi said...

It's so good to see your mom up and about with you guys! Yay! Yay! Yay!