Friday, December 19, 2008

last Chemo today, Hooray!

I am happy to report that today was mom's last chemo treatment. This is a photo of mom and dad waiting to go in for her appointment.

To celebrate this momentous occasion dad purchased her some new shoes. She is so excited to not have to wear "sick shoes" anymore. (I wonder what she thinks about my sick shoes- I have running shoes, crummy ones, and even tennis shoes for going out I LOVE wearing what she considers "sick shoes").
She was like a kid in a candy store about how excited she is about having these new shoes. She says she's finally beginning to look like a woman again. Again, I am going to refer back to myself- I LOVE wearing what she considers a man's shoe. But this is the first time that she has enough balance and is walking well enough to wear these new shoes so she's very excited.
today was also the 6 month anniversary of her getting sick (well of when she was transferred to Sacramento).

poor Gigi

Gigi had her 73rd birthday on December 9th. Happy Birthday Gigi! Sorry for the belated post but it's been pretty hectic since then. So for her birthday she was super sick. Finally, on the 10th we brought her to the doctor then rushed her to emergency room where she was admitted into Kaiser in San Rafael. They found out that she had a very infected gall bladder. The plan was to put her on antibiotics then send her home so that the infection could clear up and have it removed later. In the meantime, they were getting ready to release her from the hospital when she had a heart issue that made the doctors pretty nervous- a heart rate of 179 I believe. That turned out to be an atrial fibrillation (which can lead to developing blood clots and stroke) so she will be put on medications to help this issue. Anyway, back to the gall bladder. She was just not getting any better so on Saturday, the 13th (I believe) they decided to do emergency surgery. The surgery did not go as smoothly as planned because the gall bladder was so infected that it burst which lead to a much more complicated and evasive surgery where she lost quite a bit of blood and consequently had to get 2 pints transfused straight into her jugular. Although she was still in quite a bit of pain she was discharged on Wednesday, the 17th around 11 am. We ended up back in the ER that evening and again she was admitted for what they thought to be an obstruction. She is still currently in the hospital and will hopefully get out before Christmas.

yummy Pomegranates

If you know me very well you know that I LOVE pomegranates. When I was a kid a family around the corner had a tree in their front yard and I loved to go and beg/borrow/and steal their pomegranates. I couldn't understand why they would just let all of those yummy pomegranates go to waste! So in high school my dad planted me a pomegranate tree, however, the fruit has been less than desirable until this year. Take a look at this yummy goodness. I went a little crazy on the photographs but let me tell you these have been amazing. I love it! Sometimes a good thing is definately worth waiting for...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

confessions and questions

Although I am behind on reading my friends blogs I LOVE reading them, however, I NEVER comment on them. I don't know why- I am the same with MySpace and Facebook. I just don't really write, I am trying to do better but I don't. I love reading all of the comments on my blog, reading notes and e-mails but I am awful at writing people back. How rude is that?! Its the same as thank you notes, I am awful at sending them. Truthfully, it is very rare that I don't write one but I NEVER send them. So that is my confession for the day. I am terrible at keeping in touch and selfishly love reading about you even though I never say so. I am actually addicted to reading about everyone else. It's fun to see how creative all of my friends are and I am so jealous at what good parents and adults you all have become. You are amazing, I just wanted to let you know.
Oh, and my question is this- how do you follow someones blog? I am guessing that if you are a follower it will automatically tell you when there is a new post or something but I just don't know how to do it. It's funny that I am supposed to be a "techie" but I don't know how to do any of this stuff.
One last note about the things I am jealous of and also very amazed by- this follows my comment about the creativity of my friends. Other than the amazing home preschools, the cute and creative blogs and attempt at being just really great people- I love that you are following your passions and starting blogs and websites about your interests. Photography, online scrapbooking, crafts, art, digital works of art, invitations- seriously I am so impressed. A lot of you are great homemakers and are now becoming entrepreneurs. I am really in awe of you.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

our Thanksgiving Holiday

We went to Amie's house in Southern California for Thanksgiving and had a blast. We spent nearly every day at the beach, Kobe LOVES the ocean. He spent the whole time playing in the water.

Blake on the other hand spent his time clutching onto Gram. Finally after the 3rd day he went in the sand, but that was far enough!

We went to the marine mammal center to learn about sea lions who had been rescued.

Blake ran a muck at Amie's house and got into everything.

We played at the park and had tons of great fun. Thanks Amie for having us, we were all so sad to come back especially when it took us over 11 hours to get home due to holiday traffic- FUN!