Saturday, September 13, 2008

weekend fun

Okay, so mom's day out started at noon on Friday when she left the hospital. She then came to watch Kobe play soccer and score 3 goals. Working out the kinks of getting her into the house was interesting but actually went very well. She is super exhausted from all the wheeling, walking and transfers. After a yummy Jack in the Box meal she is finally taking a break and relaxing in her own bed.
We mostly spent the weekend relaxing and playing the the boys. We tried to do as little as possible and just enjoy being HOME! Today was very sad because mom was worried about having to come back to the hospital. When we drove away she was so bummed but now that we are here she is relaxing and realizing the she is exhausted. So all in all it was a really fun weekend, we have a few things to work on at the house to make everything easier but everything went really smooth.
Thanks for everything, The count down is on until she goes home. 4 days (we leave early Friday so it doesn't count).


Anonymous said...

What a nice weekend! So, the feeding tube is out? That's great news too... 4 days is not long at all...


Love, Tina

Jason, Tiff and the Kids said...

I am amazed at your courage and strength but not surprised. I appreciate your example. We continue to pray for more strength and determination for you to overcome the bumps along the road. I have no doubt the incredible amount of love your girls are showing you. I have a firm believe their love for you is from the example and love you have always shown to them. You are a wonderful anchor in their lives and you have made many of us a better person by your will to survive and never giving up! Keep fighting Tammy!!!
Love Tiff