Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Sorry, I have been slacking on my blog posting duties. I am at rehab with mom learning as much as possible so I can help her when she comes home. She is actually going to be home soon. Our projected discharge date is the 19th of September- we can hardly believe it! She is so excited to be coming home. We are busy with plans for getting the house ready and installing a ramp and some railing so it will be safer for her there. She is walking really well with a walker and we are planning on her being pretty mobile that way. For outings and excessive walking we will still use the wheelchair but she is not going to be wheelchair bound. Some great news is that she is meeting all of her goals and is actually exceeding them. She is doing so much better than the doctors ever thought possible in this short amount of time (although we knew better than that!). The great part is that her progress from day to day is very noticeable to everyone (except her but we are hardest on ourselves aren't we).
We really want to thank you for everything. The cards, flowers, donations, love and support have really been such a wonderful blessing and we are so grateful for each one of you! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Now, I have a job for you. Please e-mail me at with your name so I can make a list of everyone who is reading this blog. My mom asks daily and I really don't want to miss anyone. So if you e-mail me with BLOG VISITOR in the subject line so it doesn't go into my junk folder. I would love to make this list for mom so I can read it and put it in her book.
Thanks again, we will write more soon.


Arganteilin said...

email you the list.... can't wait til she is home and I can visit with her.

Michele and her merry gang

Kathryn said...

That is great news Christie! Sept 18th is only a week away, what a blessing!! Please give her our love. Hugs to all!


Anonymous said...

What great news!!!!! Tammy I knew you would exceed the Doctor expectations!!! You are strong women that can obtain any goal, you set your mind on. I am so proud of you!!! Being home will be the best therapy!!!
I will be praying everyday for your continued success on the road to recovery.

Anonymous said...


Tell your Mom that she is in my prayers and hope that she recovers real soon.

Hugs and Kisses

Vi Shahan-Lipka
Uncle Doug's sister in Houston, TX