Monday, September 29, 2008

last on Chemo for awhile

Chemo Progress-

Wednesday afternoon- Chemo administered. She was tired and nauseous that evening and went to bed early.

Thursday- very nauseas and tired all day. Felt pretty awful for the majority of the day and had no appetite.

Friday- actually felt pretty good but still a little worn down and tired quickly. Energy level was pretty low and still didn't have an appetite. She is very excited to say that she is getting so strong that she doesn't have to wear her AFO (brace) around the house and is determined to have it off completely this week.

Saturday- all symptoms are completely gone her appetite is back and she has no more nausea. She was stir crazy after spending so many days inside but she's not supposed to be around too many people so no shopping so we went for a drive and got a Chai Latte (her new favorite).

Sunday- Mario and I had our garage sale this weekend and so Amie took mom went for a walk (well she rode) and then they sat and criticized that my prices were too high :) So she is getting her feistiness back and is feeling much better.

She is walking a ton more now and is trying to do a lot more on her own although her stinking protective family isn't letting her do too much on her own which is frustrating for her but we still need to work on balance and her dizziness first.

Thank you for all of the cards and flowers. I have to tell you that one awesome thing about short term memory loss is that not only is she excited when the mail comes and she gets a card but for the rest of the day (and the passing days sometimes) when the card is sitting on the counter she goes rummaging through the mail and gets excited all over again so see that she got a card. She really likes hearing what everyone is doing. We've been pretty busy and haven't had time to print all of her e-mail to read so if you want add a letter and let her know what's new with you- she'd love it. If you do a letter try to make it a larger font and double space it. She's reading better but small fonts all together gets a little difficult.

We do appreciate you all. Please let us know if there is anything that you need. I know that everyone is going through life’s trials and we'd like to help in any way that we can.

1 comment:

Cristi said...

Christie, you're such a sweet heart!