Friday, September 5, 2008


We have just about completed our first week of mom's rehab. So far the training has been very good for mom. Her short-term memory and shaky eyes are certainly not getting better but most everything else is. She is getting so much stronger every day and is starting to walk with a walker during one of her classes. She is really exhausted every day after completing all of her workouts and it is all really hard work but she is improving every day. She is so excited to come home and we are only anticipating her hospital stay to be for two more weeks. That does not mean that her treatment process will be over but it would mean that she is more ready to come home and continue the process from home and frequent trips to outpatient rehab.
We have had a couple of mishaps at this hospital and are really pissed off but over all her care there has been very nice. Yesterday a nurse pulled out her feeding tube accidentally and then today a stupid nurse left her in the bathroom in her wheelchair (I was right outside the door but didn't know the nurse left) and all of a sudden poor mom came flying out the door. She had fallen out of her wheelchair. She hit her face and head, it was really awful. We were both crying and I felt terrible!!!! They have taken some more measures to make sure this doesn't happen again but it was really a stupid thing for this lady to have done. Today was basically just one crappy event after another. You know those days that you should just not even get out of bed type of days. She is fine but also is very timid and nervous again- which I think is definitely reasonable!
On the other hand though she is continually improving and doing very well. I will give more details later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw Christie, that does sound like a crappy day. But, today's a new one and I know that the best days are still ahead.

Tammy - I continue to be amazed by your progress! I can't even imagine how hard it is, but I know you can do it... Keep up the excellent work! :)
