Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy Labor Day

So 29 years ago today my mom went through excruciating pain in order to get me into this world. So Happy Labor Day mom, I love you more than corn pops! You really are so good to me and my boys. I really love you so much. Thank you for being my very best mom.


Jason, Tiff and the Kids said...

So it wasn't a belated birthday! Hope you had a great day!!! I can't believe you are 29 years old...

Anonymous said...

WoW! 1 more year til 30! :) Hope you enjoyed your day and did something just for yourself!

Love, Tina

Cristi said...

Happy late birthday Christy!

Camille said...

Happy Birthday Christie!! I hope you had a great day and did something special - you deserve it!!