Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fun with Uncle Eric

"See No Evil, Hear No Evil!"

Eric and war face

I want to be just like Eric

Eric's Sidekick


Thursday, November 20, 2008

sick, sick, sick

Today mom suffered from the most difficult chemo treatment yet. She felt the effects so much faster this time and so far it's been more intense and has lasted longer. Her nausea is awful and she has body aches all over. Luckily she was able to get a little bit of extra sleep- my thought is its best to just try and sleep through when you feel like crap! Hopefully she will be back to normal tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Chemo Day...

So today is chemo day, we are just getting ready to head out the door for another round of cytoxan. So this is round 5 of 6- we will be glad to have this portion of the recovery over! So she got up early and took her first bath (nothing like soaking in the tub to calm you when you are nervous), did her make-up and now we are heading out the door. Wish us luck!

It seems every other time is difficult so hopefully this round will be easier...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy Labor Day

So 29 years ago today my mom went through excruciating pain in order to get me into this world. So Happy Labor Day mom, I love you more than corn pops! You really are so good to me and my boys. I really love you so much. Thank you for being my very best mom.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Kobe!

Kobe is 6 today...
6 things I love about Kobe:
  1. He makes me laugh harder than anyone I've ever met
  2. He is way too smart for his own good
  3. If anyone could talk their way out of a ticket, it would be Kobe
  4. He is so sweet that all the girls at school love him and already are fighting over him
  5. Even when his brother is tackling him to the ground he still smiles and doesn't get mad
  6. He party's like a rock star and has ALL the right moves

I love you Kobe Michael, you are my pride and joy. Not only are you handsome and intelligent but you are the kindest person and you have the biggest heart of anyone I have ever met. You bring laughter and love into our lives and we would never be the same without you!


Mom is doing really great. Not much to report on but she is really doing very well. She still has therapy three days per week and then appointments typically on the other two. We are always very excited when we get a day off. She is walking on her own now, still a tad wobbly but by herself no more walkers or anything. Next week she is being reevaluated by her therapists so hopefully I will have more to post.