Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A New Year, A New Post and a New Baby

So it's been FOREVER since I have posted on my blog. I really love reading and catching up on your blogs yet I have let mine get sorely out of date. I can't say that I will be 100% on top of it but I'd really like to keep up especially since we have a new baby in the family and if I keep up mine then it will be easier to help Amie keep up hers, or rather for me to update both.
So it's been an interesting new year. Blake started the of the new year recovering from Pneumonia, not fun! Then Kobe got strep throat followed by Blake getting a double ear infection. Meanwhile, we found out that my Grandma Dorothy passed away which is really very sad! Then I get a text from Amie that there was an issue with her pregnancy and the baby was coming early. Jason was in Florida and she was all alone in the hospital. They were planning on taking the baby around 8 pm and he wasn't going to be in until closer to midnight so I got on the next flight and made it to the hospital in Irvine around 6. Since it was not super urgent they were able to wait until the morning for Jason to be there so little Stella was born at 6:15 am on Saturday, January 16th. She is so tiny, 6 lbs 11 oz and adorable! She's 18 1/2 inches and has the smallest little feet. She is really very cute we all fell in love with her right away. We haven't been able to spend time with her and the boys can't wait to meet her but in time we will all get to have a little fill of that precious baby!

1 comment:

Cristi said...

congrats to amie! :)