Thursday, October 23, 2008


October 17, 2008
Neurology Dr. Jonathan Artz

I took mom to see Dr. Artz for the first time on the 17th. He spent the first 20 minutes of our appointment (yes it took that long) reading her chart and taking notes. Every few minutes he would say "Wow, did this really happen?" Wait, (to himself while reading) did she have an aneurysm or did they coil it off before it happened? then he'd read a few more seconds and say "both!" then he looked at us and said, more than once I might add, "it's extraordinary she's alive!" It was really interesting talking with him. He like all of the other doctors and people who hear about her case are amazed by her progress.

October 19, 2008
She's been out of the hospital for one month today! Oh, and it was three months ago when she was admitted into Kaiser Sacramento and diagnosed with CNS Vasculitis.

October 21, 2008
This marks three months from "dooms day!" It was July 19, 2008 which started her 24 hours of mass destruction. This is when the majority of her brain damage occurred. It all started on this day around 4 pm when she suffered her first seizure.

October 22, 2008
Kaiser Santa Rosa

Mom received her fourth round of Cytoxan. This round is proving to be one of her most difficult yet. She is really feeling nauseous. She is doing well but it's just not feeling too hot. Luckily for her she's basically been sleeping a lot today. Hopefully she'll be back to feeling normal by tomorrow. Interesting information: I found a little book about the nurse who was administering the chemotherapy to my mom. She was a cancer survivor, it was very interesting reading about her journey. There is a woman who is a cancer survivor who started the Foundation for Stories of Cancer Heroes ( and she started writing the story of her own survival story. Now, this foundation will help survivors or the families of those who have lost their lives from cancer. The books are printed by Heritage Makers and are very touching and beautiful. It makes me realize even more that every person has a story and it is so rewarding to be a part of so many lives. I realize even more that anything can happen to any of us- we always think "bad things (like cancer, vasculitis, disease) happen to OTHER people, it would never happen to me".
I would like to make a book for my mom at some point, I do think however that I will have some time because as I look at her story for the last three months I realize that it changes daily so I would like to maybe do it for her one year anniversary. I hope you are all well. Please let us know if you need anything.


Anonymous said...

Go Tammy! Hang in there... you're doing great!

Christie - you needed a break from this, I'm sure... but I still check more than once a day! ;)

To the whole Larson clan - you have all been so amazing, coming together the way you have.

Love to all,

Cristi said...

What a blessing that she has made so much progress that even the doctors are amazed!

Arganteilin said...


Mom and I are back from our trip. You were on my mind so many times while we were gone. Keep fighting to get better, call if you need one of us.

P.S. Chrissy can you call me please? 562.331.9235