Friday, February 29, 2008

Isle of View Graphics

I know I really need to get my website up and running again. I am very bad at this- I design websites, just like these blogs and write thank you notes, and NEVER do anything with them. One day I will have a link rather than posting different images of some work I've done

Uncle Scott's 50th Birthday Surprise Party Invitation. A Space Birthday invitation (won at a preschool auction)

Jenkins Wedding Candybar wrapper Jenkins Wedding Bottle Label

Thursday, February 28, 2008

3 babies birthday

My two cousins and I all had babies very close together. We all had our baby shower together (well Blakers was already born) and an Easter Party all in one shinding. How appropriate that we are having their 1st birthday party together on Easter.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

They are finally doing it

Amie and Jason are finally getting married
...I think

Saturday, July 5, 2008
Their Save the Date Magnets ROCK if I don't say so myself...
although they must be seen in person to truly do them justice

the magnet went on top of this placeholder card
the magnet

Saturday, February 16, 2008

A cute baby in a cute hat

I just love these photos of Mr. Blake